Three Strikes Law Is it Effective and Just
People had been arguing if this law is effective and just. A lot of people are jailed for committing non-violent crimes and some of them can be considered as petty. In March 1999, a man in California was sentenced for 25 years of imprisonment just for stealing a bottle of vitamins. (Murphy,2000). Some say that the Three Strikes Law is effective to the repeat offenders because that just means that they are really bound in committing a crime. I believe that New York should adapt this law because I feel that this would reduce the crime rate. There are a lot of crimes that always take place in New York. If people would know about this law, I am sure that they are not going to commit the same crime again. They are going to think twice in involving to different crimes for they are going to be accountable for the second strike Regardless of the crime that the criminals committed, they should pay for it justly. So whether a person commit homicide or just stole something, it is just right to make them learn their lesson. There are still other basis for conviction for each crimes that are committed. It just so happened that on the second strike, you will already have a longer sentence and on the third strike, you can never be put on parole. Just like when you did something good, big or small it is still goodness and same as when you did something bad.
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