Presently, it certain that the need to protect the works of authors rights has turned out as a major requirement due to the contemporary state of cultural advancement and new methods of printing as well as publishing. Accordingly protecting the authors rights and maintaining their hard works and intellectual originality are essential so as to promote more creativity and innovations. This short research paper compares the copy rights of Kuwait and UAE.

Copy right laws in UAE
The draft of law concerning the protection of intellectual works and right
The government of UAE approved a draft law Concerning the Protection of Intellectual Works and Rights of the Author on 1st June 1992 and it was enacted shortly after that. This was an important step in formulation a comprehensive law on intellectual property in UAE. In general, the law is meant to provide copyright protection to intellectual works in arts, literature and sciences, in any form.

The law offers copyright protection of the authors work for a life time plus 25 years after hisher death. However, for photographic works, the law only protects them for a period of ten years from the time they were published.

Law protects
The copyright law is particularly formulated to protect items like, books and other written materials, lecturers, plays, musical works, cinemas, photographic works, television and radio works, computer software as well as different forms of drawing and pictures.

The law of copy right and the ministry and culture
The law stipulates that copyrighted works have to be deposited with the ministry of information and culture. Accordingly, the ministry is given the powers of maintaining the records of deposited copyrighted works. Nonetheless, those failing to deposit their works can not miss their copyright protection.

Copyright and courts law
Regarding the court judgments as well as official documents or translations, the copyright law does not offer protection to these documents, unless these documents have specific originality or personal attachment.

Copyright in Kuwait The copyright law
Kuwait signed various conventions like the Arab Convention for the protection of Authors Rights in 1986, and World Intellectual Property Organization because of the significance of protecting the authors rights. Due to the importance of copy right laws and in order to fulfill the fundamental laws of Kuwait, the government undertook a comprehensive law that offers effective copyright protection.

The provisions in Kuwait copyright law demonstrates major present day legislatives viewpoints. Accordingly, the law incorporated provisions of international conventions though it as well includes a number of amendments. The first section of the law outlines the extent of protection anticipating future changes the law does not restrict the artistic works to be protected. Nonetheless, the law formulates a general framework and provides various examples of the general types.  For instance, the opening paragraph of article (1), states that, any newly innovated works within the fields of letters, arts as well as science regardless of their value, type or objectives are protected works.

Infringement of copyright
Article (6) of Kuwait copyright law, clearly spells out the authors literary tights in relations to hisher work, it outlines that the author is the one with solely permitted to have hisher work attributed to himher. Therefore, the author or his successor has an express right to deny any changes to be made on copyrighted work without getting permission from the author. Thus any person reproducing or making any changes to copyrighted works will be infringing the copyright laws of Kuwait.

Copyright laws offers vital intellectual protection to authors works and both countries UAE and Kuwait have put in place comprehensive laws that provides ensures that original works in any field and in any form are protected.


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